- Getting solutions for the Millennium Prize Problems announced by the Clay Mathematics Institute, USA.
- Completing the Development of a New Branch of Mathematics, the Mathematics of Dimensional Shifts discovered by Dr.Ramananda to use as tool to develop the Post Modern Grand Unified Physics that can unify all Laws and Forces of Nature in a Single Framework which is the holy Grail of all Modern Physicists.
Developing the Post Modern Grand Unified Physics would be the main objective which could lead to new Technologies and Applications in the fields of Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities. The following disciplines of the Post Modern Grand Unified Physics will be developed:-
1. Quantum Information Space time Theory
The Theory that brings together the Modified version of the Special and General Theory of Relativity that describes Gravity with all versions of the Quantum Theory that describes Weak, Strong and Electromagnetic Force using the newly developed Mathematics of Dimensionsal Shifts to create the necessary Unified Theory and Quantum Models that can describe the Universe.
2. Quantum Quasi Dynamics
The Theory that uses the Quantum Information Space time Theory to describe how Higg’s Bosons and their Higg’s Fields helps give mass and forms all Fundamental Particles that make our Universe possible.
3. Quantum Structural Dynamics
The Quantum Theory that describes the nature of the Macroscopic Worlds the domain of description of the Theory of Relativity apart from the Microscopic World that it already describes. This Theory describes how Chemical Structures in the Universe are formed and they exhibit the different properties in the Universe. It also describes how different Technological Applications are possible using this Theory.
4. Auto Quantum Structural Dynamics
The Theory that can be easily called as the Quantum Physics of Neurology and Biology and explains how Physical Forces result in the formation of Life and Consciousness in the Nervous Systems of all Living things. This is an unexplored frontier of Modern Science so far.
Developing the concept of Chemical Fields and Environments using Quantum Structural Dynamics and using them to develop Chemicals through the Chemical Contact Chamber.
Finding all the behavior and properties of all living organisms and using them to find a cure of all types of abnormalities and diseases by using Auto Structural Dynamics.
Developing the BioStat and using it to develop the Wave Induced Mutaional Therapy to cure Diseases like Cancer, AIDS and other Terminal illness in collaboration with the members of the Jayalakshmi Memorial Cance Research Fund which is our Sister concern.
The following Inventions made by Dr.S.Ramananda will be patented and developed into full blown Technologies that can be used and marketed to People all over the World:-
1. Gravitational Accelerator
The device that is used to generate Quantum Gravity by altering Electromagnetic Waves can have several practical applications in Medical Sciences, High Energy Physics, Chemistry and Defence.
2. BioStat
The Computer with a Diagnostic and Treatment Electrode used for Wave induced Mutational Therapy to treat Terminal illness like Cancer and AIDS
3. Charged Plate Detector
The Detector that can detect Bosons and Fermions that can escape the attention of all current Particle Accelerators and detectors by studying formation of charges on a plate.
4. Magnetic Field Detector
The Detector that can measure accurately different strength of Wave Energies by measuring their Magnetic Field and their Distributions and predict changing formations.
5. Oscillating Spring Detector
The Detector that can detect Gravitational Wave Signals and Quantum Gravity through the changing spectral shift of atoms in vibrating springs.
6. Oscillating Photon Detector
The Detector that can detect the changing matter properties living and non living through vibrating tunneling Photons inserted into them. They form the Diagnostic Electrode of the Biostat.
7. Magnetic Whirlpool Engine
An alternative Energy Source that can replace conventional Electrical Generators and Fuel Engines by using the combination of Magnetism and Gravity to generate Electricity.
8. Activation Chamber
A Gravitational Trap that can cause a Black Hole like Condition that can be used to neutralise Nuclear Weapons and generate Dark Energies that can have devastating effects that mankind has yet to come across.
9. Chemical Contact Chamber
A Contact Chamber that can generate Chemicals which we cannot synthesize normally in the Laboratory like Precious Metals and Petroleum Products by generating Chemical Fields that act on raw materials to form complex materials.
10.The Teleportation Travel Machine
We strongly want to develop this Technology only as a demonstration device or model for future Interstellar Space Travel and Journey and since travelling this way can pose unknown Health Hazards and Risks we will not develop this device for public or market use.